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Sharing with you our passion, knowledge and respect for Sea Life

Whales and Dolphins Watching Tenerife

Ranked 8th in the entire Spain as the best experience
and in the top 10% of attractions worldwide
by tripAdvisor users.

Why us

  • Strict no chase policy
  • Marine Biologist on board.
  • A portion of all ticket sales goes to Sea Shepherd UK

Whales and Dolphins Watching Tenerife

Visit the Resident Whales and Dolphins in the South Coast Of Tenerife onboard the Bahriyeli

The only boat in Spain that collaborates directly with CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON FOUNDATION/NEPTUNE’S PIRATES

Collaborating with CAPTAIN PAUL WATSON FOUNDATION/NEPTUNE’S PIRATES, Bahriyeli invites you to an unforgettable experience on a two or three hour sail to visit Tenerife’s resident Pilot Whales and Dolphins in their own natural environment.

During the sail you will be able to see the breathtaking south coast of Tenerife, Mount Teide and also the chance of seeing many different species of whales and dolphins that are passing by on their migration route including Sperm Whales, Fin Whales, turtles, many different species of dolphins, Jelly Fish and marine Birds.

As we sail through the crystal-clear waters, keep your eyes peeled for the diverse array of marine life that call these waters home. From graceful sea turtles gliding effortlessly through the waves to magnificent seabirds soaring overhead, and seabirds such as the shearwater and Herons during their seasonal migrations. Our experienced guides will provide you with valuable insights into the behavior and characteristics of these incredible animals, enriching your understanding and appreciation each encounter offers a glimpse into the rich biodiversity of the ocean ecosystem.
Unlike traditional tours that prioritize getting as close as possible to the animals, we believe in maintaining a safe distance and allowing the whales and dolphins
to interact naturally without disturbance. This approach not only ensures the well-being of the marine life but also creates a more authentic and memorable
experience for our guests.

Not just observing marine life giving them the respect they deserve – you are forming a connection based on trust and mutual respect. Our commitment to a
strict “no chase” policy means that we prioritize the well-being and comfort of the animals above all else. By not chasing or bothering the marine life, we
create a safe and peaceful environment where they can thrive and express their natural behaviors. When you approach marine life with care and consideration,
something truly magical happens. The animals begin to trust you and understand that you mean them no harm.

As a result, they may exhibit more natural behaviors, come closer to the boat, and even interact with you in their own curious and playful ways. This approach not only enhances your experience as a guest but also allows you to witness the beauty and grace of these creatures in a more authentic and meaningful manner. By earning the trust of the marine life, you may have the opportunity to witness behaviors that are rarely seen by those who do not prioritize respect and conservation and
discover the incredible bond that can form between humans and marine life when approached with care and respect. Experience the joy of connecting with
these magnificent animals in a way that honors their freedom and dignity.
Together, let’s create a world where humans and marine life can coexist harmoniously, with mutual respect and understanding.

Whales and Dolphins Watching Tenerife, embark on a tour like no other with us, the only company in the whole of Spain that collaborates with Captain Paul Watson’s foundation, also known as Neptune’s Pirates, in the noble mission to help stop whaling and protect all marine life.
By choosing our tour, you are not only treating yourself to a unique and unforgettable experience but also actively participating in the global efforts to safeguard our oceans and the creatures that call it home. Our collaboration with Neptune’s Pirates symbolizes our deep commitment to marine conservation and our unwavering dedication to making a positive impact on the world around us. Through our tours, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of preserving marine ecosystems, advocating for the protection of endangered species, and promoting sustainable practices in tourism. Join us on this meaningful journey as we unite with Captain Paul Watson and his foundation to stand against whaling and champion the cause of marine conservation.
Your support enables us to contribute directly to the protection of marine life and the preservation of our precious oceans for future generations to enjoy.
Book your tour with us today and become a part of something bigger than yourself. Experience the beauty of the ocean while making a difference in the world. Together, let’s create a brighter future for our planet and all its magnificent inhabitants.

We are the only boat with a Marine Biologist Guide on Board !

We do not use throw away plastic cups on board to try and save plastics entering the ocean with the wind when left.

On board, our guests will be given a fully loaded chat full of information regarding whatever species they have seen, problems whales and dolphins are facing around the world, including the Faroe Islands and the Cove, and also some sad facts about captivity.

On board our experienced crew will be able to identify and explain what you have seen on your cruise. Whales and Dolphins Watching Tenerife will give you an unforgettable experience with these gentle majestic creatures, as we do not chase or bother them. They themselves often come close to the boat as we respect them totally.


Our Crew, all care and are passionate about marine wildlife, it’s not just a job it’s a passion, who never get tired of seeing our spectacular wildlife here in Tenerife.


  • Capitans: Jose Juan/Samantha
  • Sailors : Fred, Carlos y Marco
  • Mechanics: Eduardo/Samantha/Javi

Languages : English, Spanish, German, French, Swedish, Italy, Dutch

Member of Quality Charter

All companies adhered to this Quality Charter voluntarily undertake to offer quality tourism services, respecting all wildlife and minimising any potential impact their activity might have on the marine environment.This Charter is the outcome of a project involving companies in this sector with a view to offering distinguished and quality tourism.

The most respectful Whales and Dolphins watching Tenerife

If the whales come close to the boat it will be because the whales have chosen to, the whole experience is so much nicer for everyone

  • whale-photo-safari-2hrs

    Whale Photo-Safari 2hrs

    Daily tour for watching Whales & Dolphins 2 hours

    40.00 € . Adult 20.00 €

    20.00 € . Child (2-12)  12.00 €

    Child (0 – 2)  5 €

    Book It Now
trip advisor
Carmen B
Carmen B
L'excursion en bateau valait la peine et en plus on a pu voir les dauphins dans leur milieu naturel ! C'était génial ! L En choisissant une journée bien dégagée la vue est très belle. Le parking du port(payant) permet de nous stationner à proximité.
Pomeriggio alla ricerca di Delfini! Esperienza molto bella! Abbiamo visto molto delfini da vicino e qualche balenottero. Staff competente e gentile. Collaborano con Sea Shepherd!
Walvissen en dolfijnen worden met respect benaderd Mooi uitstap, goed georganiseerd, comfortabele boot. Dieren werden met respect benaderd en zeker niet opgejaagd. We zagen zowel walvissen als dolfijnen.
Carmen D
Carmen D
Experiencia con delfines y ballenas muy de cerca El barco es pequeño pero es una gran ventaja, porque ves a los delfines y las ballenas muy de cerca, incluso vimos una tortura. Personal muy agradable, incluso con tiempo para darse un chapuzón en Masca. Muy recomendable.
Lovely two hours trip. Booked this trip really not expecting too see a great deal ,as has happened in previous experiences. The sea was calm ,and the staff very informative speaking in several languages. After around 40 minutes we got to see quite a few pilot whales relatively close,and stayed for some time to view them,which was great. Not a fully packed boat ,but I would imagine in peak seasons it is always full. unfortunately we saw no dolphins ,but all in all a lovely couple of hours ,I would recommend this trip without any problem.
Duarte P
Duarte P
Sublime Superbe , nous avons pris des photos de dauphins et baleines , les explications étaient précises et claires. Nous sommes partis vers 10h30 , durée 2 heures
Viaggiatori del blu
Viaggiatori del blu
Adatto hai bambini È stato veramente bello per il mio bambino. Lui non aveva mai fatto questa esperienza dal vivo...ora ha capito che gli animali vanno visti in natura e non in delle vasche o gabbie
Bella gita riposante Abbiamo avvistato le balene. Navigazione tranquilla in barca di legno molto bella. Barca con tutte le dotazioni di sicurezza. Personale preparato e gentile.
Excellent trip Cannot fault this your - from the help and advice at booking to the actual trip itself. We wanted to go on a calm day with a young child and the person in charge was very happy to reassure us that we could rebook if it looked choppy. She then gave us an open ticket so we could go when best suited us. Our expectations were well managed when it was explained that we would have 99% chance of seeing whales but only 50% chance of seeing dolphins. The actual tour was brilliant. The boat was clean and felt safe. The crew were helpful and kind and spoke so many languages fluently. After a short trip out, we started seeing whales. We saw plenty of whales, including mothers she babies. We were so pleased with the whale watching. Then we headed towards the fish farms and were lucky enough to see two turtles. We were also fortunate enough to see a few dolphins too. It was brilliant. We were really happy with the tour and would recommend it to our friends and family.
Simon L
Simon L
Brilliant trip. Saw lots of whales and dolphins. Really enjoyable 2 hours. Saw about 15 dolphins and 10 whales, some quite close to the boat. Kids loved it and so did I. Staff were excellent.

Liana London
Liana London
This is one of the most amazing experiences I’ve ever had thanks to the crew but especially to Sam! It was our first time visiting Tenerife and by far the highlight of our holiday we were lucky enough to see Pilot whales as they chose to come up to the boat 🐋 which was an experience I’ll never forget The Tour Guide Sam was absolutely incredible! Not only was she informative about the dolphins and whales but her dedication to them is heartwarming and inspiring ❤️ as she clearly explains they have a no chase policy so seeing them is just to be hopeful as they are wild, Sam knows everything there is to know about the sea and it’s habitants and you’ll will definitely leave the tour with a few facts you didn’t know she also explained and expressed why they should always remain “wild” and what we could do to help to stop the captivity of these beautiful creatures 🐳If you would like the chance to see Whales and Dolphins in the wild this tour is the way to go! Do Not go to Sea-World on the island as this tour is all you need and this is the only way you should be encountering them ❤️ for any more information ask to speak to Sam afterwards she will gladly give you a few minutes of her time ❤️ again a big thank you to the crew and a MASSIVE thank you to Sam
Gergely Rideg
Gergely Rideg
Csodálatos kirándulás. A találkozási pontot könnyű megközelíteni. Aki siet, annak javaslom kocsival a kikötői parkolóban elhelyezni az autót. A hajó elég nagy, a felső rész bármelyik pontjáról könnyen ki lehet látni. Kellemes meglepetés volt, hogy az idegenvezető srác a spanyol mellett angolul, németül, franciául és olaszul is mindig elmondta az infókat. Habár ma sajnos delfineket nem, csak bálnákat láttunk, az egyértelmű volt hogy ez nem a legenyegen és a kapitányok múlott. Könnyen belathato h ő gy egy óceáni bálnalesen nem 100% hogy minden állat akkor lesz ott, amikor mi akarjuk. Nagyon ajánlom.
Paul Wilkinson
Paul Wilkinson
Outstanding experience watching dolphins and Whales enjoying freedom in their natural habitat. Crew very knowledgeable.
Mateusz Kluźniak
Mateusz Kluźniak
Great experience, guides are super friendly and trip is exciting and informative!
Gemma C
Gemma C
A fantastic trip. We got to see pilot whales and a sea turtle. The sea was very choppy on the day we went so ended up feeling very sick but was fully aware of this when we booked. A great trip and although there was lots of people on the boat it didn't feel crowded at all.
Gwnpach TweedleDum
Gwnpach TweedleDum
Cheap and fun way to go whale watching. We recommend buying tickets on site rather than online though - when we were going, it cost 25€ per person to reserve the trip online (a "discount" from 30€) and we only paid 15€ per person when we bought it on site.
Antonio Salmeron
Antonio Salmeron
Una gran experiencia para descubrir tesoros naturales que a veces pasan desapercibidos. Tuvimos la oportunidad de ver un grupo de calderones y fuimos afortunados al poder observar a una especie no residente, una rorcual con su cria. Fue maravilloso, verlas emerger a respirar e incluso vislumbrar a la cria bajo el agua cercarse unos segundo antes de volver con la madre. Se nota su profesionalidad y compromiso no persiguiendo a los animales (son colaboradores de Sea Sheperd), pero eso no impide conseguir ver a los animales bien cerca. La tripulación muy atenta a cualquier duda o pregunta. La próxima vez que vuelva por las islas, seguramente repetire.